5 Great Reasons Why Bakers & Chefs Love Tate & Lyle® Pure Cane Sugar
Whether you’re a professional, or just a keen home baker, it seems many prefer using Tate & Lyle® Pure Cane Sugar as it’s known to give brilliant results.
Here’s just a few reasons why home bakers and chefs prefer Tate & Lyle® Pure Cane sugars:
Pastry Chefs love Tate & Lyle® Pure Cane Sugars!
7 out of 10 Pastry Chefs prefer using Tate & Lyle Pure Cane Sugar[1] and many Professional Chefs use Tate & Lyle Pure Cane Sugars in their creativity. That’s because they trust its superior performance and, when you talk to the people who know, they tell you that not all sugars are interchangeable in their recipes, because they can give such varied results.
Laurian Veaudour – Chef Patissier (& Owner), Cocorico Patisserie, Cardiff: “With Tate & Lyle you don’t get any lumps, you don’t need to sieve it. You need good consistency, good quality and good product. Some of the other brands have more impurities in the sugar and when we do caramels the taste is cleaner with Tate & Lyle.”[2]

We Think that Cane is Best Too
Compared to other types of sugars, cane sugar has significant advantages for cooking & baking, especially at high temperatures. For example, caramelisation is more even and transparent with cane sugar, which make the results much more appealing[3].

Cane Means More Flavour!
Natural cane molasses are at the heart of our wide spectrum of cane sugars and syrups (from white to very dark brown). Cane sugar retains the molasses content from cane which imparts a deeper flavour to baked goods, such as biscuits and cookies.
Cane sugar is characterised by a fruity aroma and sweet aftertaste, compared to sugar refined from other sources[4].

Never Compromise with your Ingredients
From sugar cane, you can create multiple varieties of sugars with different crystal sizes, colours and moisture. This has an impact on the texture, colour, taste and richness in the recipe you are making. Many chefs prefer to use Tate & Lyle Pure Cane Sugars when making their baked goods and desserts as it delivers consistency every time[1].
Since 1878, our passionate teams in London have been producing and packing high quality sugar from the natural juice of the sugar cane plant.

Quality and Expertise is What We Look For
We’ve found that the majority of consumers (a staggering 72.4%)[5] say that it is important to them that their sugar comes from cane. We’re very proud that over half the people we asked say that they are likely to recommend Tate & Lyle to other users[6]. Which just goes to show how much everyone loves cane sugar.
That’s why we recommend that you look for the best quality brands of cane sugar and use it in your cakes, biscuits, puddings and desserts – or even just in your coffee – and make a difference to whatever it is you want to make.

[1] Research by MMR, August 2019. 209 UK-based pastry chefs were interviewed. Of the 135 who expressed a preference, 70% preferred Tate & Lyle® to other UK sugar brands.
[2] Based on research carried out by MMR Research Worldwide for Tate & Lyle® Sugars in April 2014, out of 202 UK-based Pastry Chefs interviewed, 68% used Tate & Lyle’s Caster and Icing sugars for baking.
[3] Based on research carried out by Reading Scientific Services Limited on Beet and Cane Sugar for Tate & Lyle® Sugars in February 2015.
[4] P1 Brittany L. Urbanus, et al: “Sensory differences between Beet & Cane”. Journal of Food Science: Vol.79, Nr9 2014
[5] Smart Cube. QP1: claims (communication on sugar packets) according to preference
[6] Consumer brand tracking study April ’19 UK – T&LS N=1000 – 55.0%.: when compared to other brands.